SASSA Status Failed Due to Identity Verification Failed

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) provides social grants to eligible citizens in South Africa. Millions rely on these grants for income support. However, sometimes SASSA status check may show “failed” due to identity verification issues. This can be worrying for grant applicants and beneficiaries. Here is some information on why SASSA identity verification may fail and what can be done.

What is the Meaning of Identity Verification Failed?

SASSA Status Failed

When SASSA status shows “identity verification failed”, it means the agency could not validate the applicant’s identity satisfactorily. This is a critical step as SASSA needs to ensure grants go to legitimate beneficiaries. Identity verification failed could mean documents submitted for ID proof were insufficient, unclear, misleading or fraudulent. It could also mean biometrics like fingerprints or photos did not match SASSA records.

Why My SASSA Identity Verification Failed?

There are several reasons why SASSA identity verification can fail:

  • Not submitting required ID documents like ID book, birth certificate, passport etc.
  • Submitting documents that are damaged, expired or contain errors.
  • Previous ID documents contradict new submissions.
  • Fingerprints, photo or signature on document does not match person.
  • Fraudulent, false or cloned documents were submitted.
  • Errors during online or in-person verification process.
  • ID discrepancies due to marriage, divorce or other legal name changes.

How to Do an Appeal for Reconsideration for an Identity Verification Failed Status?

If your SASSA status shows identity verification failed, you can appeal and request reconsideration. Here is the general process:

  • Gather the required valid ID documents needed. Ensure they are originals, updated and error-free.
  • Visit your nearest SASSA office and submit appeal request along with documents. Explain reasons clearly.
  • If needed, redo biometrics like fingerprints to rectify records. Provide clarification on name changes.
  • Submit any other data like SAPO ID, taxpayer number, utility bills etc to aid verification.
  • If appeal is rejected again, approach a social worker to intervene or provide guidance.
  • Remain calm and cooperative in the appeal process for best outcome.

When Will My SRD R350 Grant Approve after Appeal?

The timeline for reconsideration and approval of your SRD R350 grant after appeal depends on:

  • How soon you submit your appeal after rejection.
  • The strength of your appeal reasons and quality of documents.
  • Workload and backlogs at your SASSA office.
  • Any additional verification steps required from your end.
  • Efficiency of the appeals review process.

So timelines could range from 2-8 weeks in most cases. Follow up regularly for an update on the status.


Here are some common questions about SASSA identity verification failure:

What if my ID document is lost or stolen?

Report it to authorities, obtain temporary documentation, and submit this along with your appeal. SASSA may conduct additional verification steps in such cases.

My spouse passed away recently, what ID do I provide now?

Submit the death certificate along with your own updated ID documents not reflecting your deceased spouse anymore.

I got married and changed surnames, why did my ID verification fail?

Carry your marriage certificate reflecting name change and get your new surname updated in your ID book/smart card. Submit both documents.

Can I get someone to appeal on my behalf?

Yes, with an affidavit authorizing the person to act for you. Identity proof for the representative will also be required.


SASSA ID verification failure can seem challenging. However, being well-prepared with your documents and information can help your appeal reconsideration go smoothly. Tracking your appeal progress closely is also important.

Reach out to SASSA promptly for any help needed with resolving the identity verification failure. This will help ensure you get approval for your rightful social assistance.

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